Smart Factory Solutions

Faststream Technologies
3 min readOct 12, 2021


Smart Factory Solutions demand complete eradication of offline factory operations thus improving the visibility in manufacturing to the point where each unit of production can be seen at each step in the production process. This is possible only if we let go of the traditional manual entered data and focus on collecting the real-time production data by making it possible for the machines to directly talk to the ERP software. Factories and plants that are connected to the Internet /intranet are more efficient, productive, and smarter than their non-connected counterparts.

The Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) pledges elevation in smart manufacturing, which meets the revolution for smart factories. IoT software platforms used in smart factories such as Faststream Technologies generate intelligent and smart manufacturing processes that optimize industrial automation. Faststream Technologies creates smart factory technology in Industry 4.0-based manufacturing.

For alternation of conventional automation process to a more open, connected, and resilient system Smart Factory technology has been incorporated. Executing system-wide physical, operational, and human assets entitles factories for greater management of the whole production scenery with interconnected equipment, operations, facilities, and also for the prediction of real-time adjustments to changes. Which causes the result to proliferate production efficiency and reduce downtime.

IoT solutions are important to generate Smart Factory Solutions. Different Connected IoT devices like sensors and cameras for machine vision are essential for a manufacturing facility to check the status, gather data, analyze it, and use insights to optimize operations. In addition to data-collecting devices, however, the software compiles IoT data and allows users to monitor and control all aspects of automated production. Our Software Platform delivers IoT smart factory solutions to cover the procedure for expanded productivity and increased direction in the era of Industry 4.0.


Data Collection

We collect and store hardware-independent data from your appliances, operations, and people. You can attach all existing devices from PLCs to business management systems or cloud applications with the 100 native communication protocols.

Visualization And Control

The real-time operational data in a customizable interface, permitting for rising awareness and systematic supervision over processes locally and remotely has been displayed by Faststream Technologies.

Analytics and Reporting

We operate advanced algorithms, connect your real-time data with machine learning applications, as well as distributed intelligence and networking to make calculations and provide predictions and estimates.

Engineering and Maintenance

Faststream comes with a set of powerful sorcerers and easy-to-use tools. As a result, you can design and prolong your projects without needing programming skills. Faststream Technologies ensures high productivity for your engineering team with the open application programming interfaces (API) and the possibility to engineer mixed version environments due to its backward compatibility.


Product quality: We provide an outline of your operations data so you can quickly locate the source of a product defect. Faststream can intensify the quality of your product through data trends and insights.

Cost efficiency: By optimizing your processes through our automation and data management, you can boost their cost-efficiency and also amplify the uniformity of your operations and processes and increase your overall equipment effectiveness (OEE).

Production throughput: We provide detailed data on asset performance to help you optimize their usage. Reduce asset downtime, limit change over time, and maximize your capacity. Through these upgrades, you can minimize waste, achieve lean production, and make your operations more efficient.

Optimal security: Faststream’s unparalleled security features such as server redundancy, user authorization, and network encryption fully protect your projects from data loss and unauthorized access.

Improved work environment: Improve safety for your personnel by automating laborious and repetitive activities and improving the HMI visualization for a better overview. Stimulate a more environmentally friendly workplace by optimizing your use of assets and operations.

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Faststream Technologies

Faststream, a vanguard of technology solutions, specializing in Product & System Engineering, Digital Transformation, IoT, Big Data, Security